Abia Residents have accused Enugu Electricity Distribution Company ( EEDC ) of ripping them off ,while appealing to the Governor of Abia state to help check mate the activities of EEDC in Abia.
Speaking to Newsmen in Umuahia ,the leader of the Concerned Abia Residents ,chief Emeka Obi ,said the EEDC is charging people ten times what they were paying before the inception of the Covid -19 pandemic, describing such action as callous .
In a similar vein ,mazi Chinedu Kanu ,who resides in Amuzukwu layout area of Umuahia ,Abia state ,described the action of EEDC as inhumane.
He pointed out ” that at this critical period ,when people should help their fellow human beings ,some people see it as an opportunity to rip others off ”
” We are appealing to our Amiable Governor to call those people to order ” he said.
He noted that, ” those who are benefiting from this exploitation don’t want us to complain to our Governor.They are planted in different places to attack anyone who publicly criticize this callousness by calling you names ,but we can not be deterred ”
Like other Nigerians ,Abians are sitting at home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and do not need more pains from EEDC ”
“Honestly, we can not fold our hands and allow these people to steal from us.It is unacceptable “